Bedroom Cleaning
Your bedroom is supposed to be a place of sanctuary at the end of a long day, where you can climb into bed and not worry about having to deal with any sort of mess. If you’re located in the Triangle area, Sweep Away Cleaning Service is here to make sure you bedroom is in top-notch shape, allowing you to rest easy at night.
Relax & Let Sweep Away Clean Your Home’s Bedrooms

Whether you schedule our standard or premium cleaning services, our team of professionals are ready to take on cleaning your home’s bedrooms. Regardless of which service level is the right one for you, Sweep Away will always make sure that your bedroom is a place you’ll want to lay your head and relax. The services we offer concerning bedroom cleaning include:
Vacuuming all carpets
Linens changed (if specified and provided – notify our office if more than one linen change is needed)
All beds made
All areas hand dusted including the tops of all furniture and level surfaces (all items removed and replaced where they were originally found)
Picture frames dusted
Mirrors and all glass surfaces cleaned
Window sills and window ledges cleaned
Trash emptied
Baseboards dusted and all cobwebs removed
If your bedrooms require individual attention that is not listed above already, Sweep Away is happy to tailor your services to your specific needs. Utilizing our bedroom cleaning service will make your life that much easier, and Sweep Away is here to make sure that everything is completed in the best manner possible.
At Sweep Away Cleaning Service, we guarantee 100% satisfaction. We will always make sure that the job is done right and meet every single expectation you have. If you have any questions regarding our bedroom cleaning services, don’t hesitate to reach out at (919) 880-3823 today!
(919) 418-2503
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